Life seems to be going by weeks lately. It's been 6 1/2 weeks since I last blogged. It's been 9 weeks since we discovered our great news. It's been 1 1/2 weeks since I started feeling better. Today is the beginning of week 13. And it's only 27 weeks until 40 weeks. Yes, it's true...we are expecting! Our little baby is due to arrive near the end of June.
So, why 6 1/2 weeks without blogging when we had this wonderful news to share the entire time? I just couldn't imagine you wanting to read stories about morning sickness, throwing up, long naps and lack of motivation to accomplish anything. It was a difficult first trimester, and I have to admit I wasn't prepared for the tumult of sickness. Everyone kept telling me to hold out until the second trimester and everything would get better. But, when you're throwing up and the second trimester is still 5 weeks away it's a little hard to be encouraged by those promises! Thankfully, we didn't even have to wait as long as the second trimester before my energy came back and my nausea went (mostly) away. And now the real excitement is starting to sink in!

I love being on this adventure with Warren. He's been so tender and caring for all the while I wasn't feeling good, and now that I'm back to normal (except for sleeping more) it's thrilling to talk about our baby, pray for it, study what stage of development it's in this week and discuss names and our dreams for it. We feel overwhelmingly blessed.
Thanks, God!