Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas


[kris-muhs] noun:

A holiday celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and surrounded by traditions and happy family time, including:

  1. Caroling (


[kar-uhl] noun, verb, -ol·ing):
            When the family decorates sugar cookies together (creating a huge mess), and then packs bunches of sweets in gift boxes, grabs a case of candles and all piles into the van together. Dad drives and everyone tries to decide on a Christmas carol amidst chatting, laughing, teasing and experimenting with matches and candles. At every neighbor, friend or family's house we get out as quietly as possible and try to make it to the porch before anyone sees us. Then we break into song and sing as long as we have to until someone comes to the door. Beautiful harmony fills the crisp, night sky as we hold our flickering candles and sing about Jesus. This is followed by the giving of a treat box and scrambling back to the van and out of the cold to the next destination.
  2. Family formal ( 


 [fam-uh-lee, fam-lee] noun; 


[fawr-muhl] adjective ):
           An event wherein the entire family dresses in their finest clothes consisting of dresses, high heels and fancy hair-dos for the girls and suits, ties and dress shoes for the boys. Then the family goes on a dinner date and to a movie in this fashionable garb, just for the fun of it!
  3. Christmas Eve (


[kris-muhs] noun; 


[eev] noun):
           The night before Christmas; a time when the entire extended family goes to Grandpa and Grandma's house. We have soup and all kinds of desserts for supper, then play games (Dutch Blitz!), talk, sit around the fireplace, admire new babies, laugh and receive gifts from Grandpa and Grandma. We stay together as long as possible until nighttime falls and everyone must go home to bed.

  4. Christmas Day (


[kris-muhs] noun; 


[dey] noun):
           The day when you haven't even opened your eyes before you can smell the aroma of bacon, fresh cinnamon rolls and a royal feast being prepared by Mom. Everyone waits with anticipation as she makes an outstanding Christmas brunch. After this is thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, we make our way to the living room where we read, recite or discuss the Christmas story. Excitement fills the air as we pass out the gifts we've all bought for each other and they are opened one at a time. Squeals of delight and sincere thankfulness fill the air, along with ornery boys throwing wrapping paper and babies staring in wide-eyed astonishment. We all are overwhelmed and touched by the generosity of each other and the thoughtfulness put into our gifts. After much loitering enjoying each other, drinking coffee and hot chocolate, trying on new clothes or examining special gifts, we eventually clean up the paper mess. Then we return to our cars to visit Grandpa and Grandma's house again to wish Grandma a happy birthday. The ending of this day is spent at Mom and Dad's house in quiet conversation, a large slumber party in the living room, more food, telling childhood stories and reluctantly heading up the stairs to bed when we can't keep our eyes open any longer. Down the hall in the upstairs where our bedrooms are located, Mom has lit votive candles that hang on the doorposts of every door and they sparkle and flicker as we walk up the stairs and into our rooms. They'll burn long into the night and some will last til morning, surrounding us with security, warmth and coziness. This reminds us of the amazing gift Christmas brought over 2000 years ago and the peace and joy that engulfs our home and family because of the sacrifice of our baby King Jesus.

Engulfing everything Christmas means including our newborn King, irreplaceable family memories, traditions and celebrations, we wish you the most Merry of Christmases!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

6 1/2 weeks....the rest of the story

Life seems to be going by weeks lately. It's been 6 1/2 weeks since I last blogged. It's been 9 weeks since we discovered our great news. It's been 1 1/2 weeks since I started feeling better. Today is the beginning of week 13. And it's only 27 weeks until 40 weeks. Yes, it's true...we are expecting! Our little baby is due to arrive near the end of June.

So, why 6 1/2 weeks without blogging when we had this wonderful news to share the entire time? I just couldn't imagine you wanting to read stories about morning sickness, throwing up, long naps and lack of motivation to accomplish anything. It was a difficult first trimester, and I have to admit I wasn't prepared for the tumult of sickness. Everyone kept telling me to hold out until the second trimester and everything would get better. But, when you're throwing up and the second trimester is still 5 weeks away it's a little hard to be encouraged by those promises! Thankfully, we didn't even have to wait as long as the second trimester before my energy came back and my nausea went (mostly) away. And now the real excitement is starting to sink in! 

I love being on this adventure with Warren. He's been so tender and caring for all the while I wasn't feeling good, and now that I'm back to normal (except for sleeping more) it's thrilling to talk about our baby, pray for it, study what stage of development it's in this week and discuss names and our dreams for it. We feel overwhelmingly blessed.

Thanks, God!

Monday, December 12, 2011

6 1/2 weeks...

...since I last published a blog post. I have good reason, really, and it's not because of cut fingers, excessive attempts to stain cookbooks or too much busyness! It's a different reason altogether, and I must say it's much more significant than any of these options. I would expound on these hints but for now I'll have to succumb to torture via the phrase, "details coming soon." 

The big news (well, not the biggest news) lately is that we are going to be moving to the Lincoln area in the next few weeks. God's opened the doors for us to be living and working at a cutting barn southwest of Lincoln, only about twenty miles from Dad and Mom's house. We're very excited about this opportunity, as we will be able to pursue our dream of training horses full-time and Warren not having to leave to go to work forty hours a week! This is a leap of faith for us because it will take some time to build our business and Warren's reputation in the area, so Warren has been applying for part-time jobs that would bring in a base income until our business is well known. God is leading us every step of the way but I told Warren the other day that it seems like there's a flashlight in front of us on a dark path and all we can see is the next step to take, instead of the big picture. We're both excited to see where our new adventure takes us, and mostly we're anticipating being together more and eventually raising our children with their dad around as much as possible.

Because of these changes, in the midst of Christmas decorating, baking, shopping and planning we're also going to start packing soon! I love this time of year and we've had a lot of chances to see family and friends and enjoy the snowy weather. It has been a wonderful first Christmas season together so far, and it's only going to get better...