Well, that's the truth most days, anyway. Sometimes his cuteness is somewhat shadowed by a bit of crankiness but I've just decided something : life is too short to have my son watch me spend it doing projects on the computer.
Wesley has turned into a sponge ever since his first birthday in July. He watches everything his dad and I do and repeats it. Warren and I are both very spontaneous people who thrive without a rigid routine and very little expectation on our days. Our son is polar opposite of us...hmmm...you did that on purpose, didn't you, God?! If Wesley watches one of us do something a certain way one time, that's.the.way.it's.done.every.time.period. I'm talking about every detail. For instance, when he wakes up in the morning I usually go in the living room, flip on the overhead light and go in each corner and turn on the lamps. There's no window in our living room/kitchen so I like to start the day out with a lot of light since there's no natural sunlight. I never knew I had this habit until little shadow-man began insisting that those three switches get turned every morning before absolutely anything else can happen.
Once several weeks ago Wesley wanted to take a bath. I told him he could but he had to shut the bathroom door before I would undress him because it was really cold in the hall. Now when I tell him it's time for a bath, he walks into the bathroom, turns around and shuts the door and proceeds to take his clothes off. It is very disturbing to him if I start undressing him before the door is shut.
When we vacuum, Wesley pushes the button to wind the cord back up. When we watch a movie, he has two pillows he positions on the floor in the exact same spot every time. When we wash the dishes he sits in a certain way on the counter to watch. When I sew he's in charge of putting the foot down on the machine. When it's time for bed he carries his milk under one arm, drags his blanket behind and has his binky in his mouth.
I've learned lately that our little Owen thrives knowing that some things are going to go the same way every time, and we are trying to let him do some things the "proper" way while still helping him learn to be flexible. If two unstructured parents live through parenting this very structured child, I'm sure we'll be the better for it!
But that brings me back to the computer issue. I don't know how long it's been since Wesley has really been observing us in order to understand so very many things like he does now. I do, however, know that tomorrow he's going to wake up and his all-curious eyes will search every expression, act, tone, and habit and he will copy it. I don't want his little mind to accept the worldview that being zoned into a computer or cell phone is the most important way to spend time.
So, I really am blaming the lack of blogging on the toddler.
Maybe he'll sleep an extra long time tomorrow and I can sneak back on here to share some of my insights, pictures and projects I've been working on lately. Until then, enjoy a little peek into my crazy-God-blessed life via a few pictures:
I got to go on a Colorado vacation with this outstanding man...
...who happens to be the king of dutch oven campfire cooking.
Thanks to having a wonderful husband and Daddy, we can't stay away from the barn for very long...we miss Warren too much!
Wesley's first "pony" is a borrowed donkey named Nacho. He's pretty proud to have a saddle his size, too.
Love riding with my boy.
Warren happens to be very talented at making Bible stories come to life!
Little shadow.
We've shared two years of married bliss. Can we have two hundred more?!!